
Save $500 on Top Global Talent

Grow your business by hiring talent for 80% less than US equivalent.

How It Works

Tell us about your company and the job description of the role you're looking to fill.
We do the work to find a superstar with the skills and experience you need.
You interview candidates, extend an offer to 1 (or more) and you're off to the races.

Meet Some of Our Top Candidates

These are the elite sales professionals who are driving success for U.S. companies. Are you ready to hire one for your team?

Proof That Speaks for Itself

Hear from Clients Who’ve Been There
Success Story
How Monday Girl Balanced Growth and Authenticity with Overseas Talent
Key Takeaways
Delivered the perfect virtual assistant in record time
Cost-effective solution fueled growth and saved $1,000s every month
Ended the cycle of wasted time onboarding contract workers

If You Don’t Have a Recruiter, You Are the Recruiter

Recruiting top professionals is complex and time-consuming. Our experts take on the heavy lifting, so you can focus on growing your business.

Executive Assistant

Up to
% savings
Philippine Average Salary
LatAm Average Salary

Admin Assistant

Up to
% savings
Philippine Average Salary
LatAm Average Salary

Virtual Assistant

Up to
% savings
Philippine Average Salary
LatAm Average Salary

Claim Your $500 Discount Today

Let’s talk and get you the best talent today.