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How Local Line Gained More Satisfied Clients Through Remote Hiring

Learn how Local Line partnered with Somewhere to overcome hiring challenges and scale their team seamlessly.
Local Line is an all-in-one sales platform designed to simplify the complexities of selling farm products online. Their online platform is tailored to empower farms, producers, and food hubs to deliver locally-grown products straight to their buyers' tables.

From humble beginnings in 2015, Local Line has served thousands of suppliers and buyers across 8 countries.

However, like any thriving SaaS company, Local Line also experienced some growing pains. As their customer base grew, so did the demand for customer support staff. 

The Challenge:

Improving Customer Service Without Ceiling-High Costs

“We considered a full-time Toronto-based employee, but it’s expensive to hire on-shore talent plus the long hiring processes.”
- Cole Jones, CEO

Business owners are always looking for the most cost-effective solutions when it comes to hiring. A SaaS company like Local Line needed a Customer Support Representative who can assist farmers with varying levels of technical skills and personalities.

But hiring is easier said than done. The high costs and lengthy processes associated with hiring onshore talent soon became a significant challenge for the company.

Local Line encountered the following challenges:

  • Skill Shortage: Finding talent with expertise in both software development and agriculture was vital for Local Line. They needed professionals who understood the intricacies of farm operations and could develop software tailored to meet their clients’ needs.
  • Technical Support: Providing technical support to farmers who may not be tech-savvy or have limited access to reliable internet connectivity can be challenging. It was essential for Local Line to hire and train support staff who can effectively assist farmers in using the software.
  • Global Market Access:  With such a diverse clientele, Local Line needed a skilled Customer Service Representative who could communicate effectively even with varying cultural norms.

The Solution:

Tailored Recruitment to Find Highly Skilled, Affordable Talent 

Local Line’s CEO, Cole Jones, prioritized simplicity and affordability in their search.

Here’s how Somewhere made it happen for them: 

  • Time Savings with Customized Skill-Matching: The candidates presented to Local Line were not only qualified — they also matched the specific customer service skills Local Line was looking for. Somewhere’s access to diverse talent networks and proven qualification process made this possible.
  • Affordable Headhunting Service: Somewhere found them a competent Customer Service Representative for a fraction of onshore hiring costs, allowing Local Line to save more than 70% in the process.
  • Simple, Efficient Hiring: Hiring with Somewhere only takes four simple steps. Upon submission of the hiring form, our team of seasoned recruiters will start the search and present the top three candidates for consideration. Clients like Local Line only paid the one-time fee and enjoyed our 6-month Perfect Hire Guarantee. 

“Our Somewhere experience was great. The speed of finding the candidates has been great. Helps us hire quick when we need it.”
- Cole Jones, CEO

Don’t let hiring challenges hold you back

According to Cole, working with Somewhere gave Local Line a competitive advantage through “affordable talent with a good work ethic & attitude”.

Like Local Line, we can also help you gain the same competitive edge. Whether you're looking for customer support representatives, software developers, or marketing specialists, Somewhere has the expertise and resources to help you find the right candidates.

Partner with Somewhere today and experience a simpler, more efficient way to hire.

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